The Hypnosis Doctor


Awarded BEST Counselor in Los Angeles 2015 and 2016. I am a Certified Spiritual Counselor and a Certified Hypnotherapist. I hold a doctorate in Philosophy with a PhD in Metaphysical Science. I also hold a degree in Clinical Hypnosis. I am a featured, published writer based on my counsel of practice.

Filtering by Category: belief

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall; NO NEED for a Magical Mirror at All!

As the fairy tale portrays, the evil queen sought validation for her exquisite beauty from an external source, the magical mirror. The reality is, effective validation comes from within. We as humans are a reflection of our essence both inside and out. Creating personal growth begins with observing your individual interior and exterior existence.

If you desire change, search no further. Begin to recognize who you are and the beliefs you have about yourself. The answers are all around you. Let me explain. The evil queen did not actually have confidence in the fact that she was the fairest of them all. That which she sought confirmation for, she did not believe she possessed. She did not trust in her own exquisiteness because she lacked the capacity to acknowledge attractiveness, and even forbade beauty to exist within others.

As a counselor and hypnotherapist specializing in the field of metaphysics, I work with my clients by exploring the fact that their external world is the reflection of their internal world, and vice versa. Through metaphysical philosophies, I explain the world we encompass and are encompassed by. I begin by suggesting that everything in existence is energy, including our thoughts (universal energy) and our behaviors (physical energy). Our exterior world (physical energy) reflects our interior world (universal energy), which is a mirror of true self-reflection. This concept is called “External Replication.” 

All of us possess our own unique energy signature. This distinct energy signature has a frequency that is transmitted to our outer worlds…Like equals Like! Ever hear the saying “birds of a feather flock together?” Our friends, our jobs, our relationships, virtually everything in our outer world is a replication of our inner world. Positive and negative; healthy and unhealthy.

Recognizing the positive and healthy attributes of External Replication can be exciting, motivating, and reassuring. On the other hand, challenging though it may be, personal growth and evolution arise from exploring the undesirable External Replications in our lives.

Let us consider the fairytale of the evil queen as an example. Each morning upon wakening, she required confirmation from a magical mirror that she was truly beautiful. What does this imply? External Replication indicates that due to the daily validation she needed, she did not believe herself beautiful. In fact, she was so afraid that she wasn’t beautiful, or not beautiful enough, that she was willing to murder her stepdaughter to retain the title “fairest of them all.”

When I see clients who want to create personal growth and change, I immediately focus on two areas of concern. First, External Replication and second, The Universal Law of Reflection. Universal laws draw upon the insights of the metaphysical sciences and traditional philosophies and extends beyond them to help us understand, predict and even shape our very own personal experiences.

The Universal Law of Reflection suggests that both the positive and negative traits that you recognize in others, you actually identify within yourself. There are three basic components of reflection:

First, that which you admire in others is something you recognize as existing within yourself. Maybe you’re conscious of it, maybe not. Most likely you recognize that you admire those who hold your values, or have advantages that you think important…because they are yours! Ever find yourself making statements like, wow…she has a beautiful face, or, man…he is a hard worker? If so, these are actually traits that you admire within yourself! Meaning, you believe that you possess a beautiful face and you, too, are a hard worker.  So far, so good.


Second, that which you resist represents something you are afraid of. Ever have a resistance to trying a new exotic food? How about that judgment you feel toward those who take more risks than you do or are openly very affectionate with their loved ones? We resist that which we fear. We as humans have a comfort zone, and when we feel threatened by change or the possibility of loss, we resist out of fear.

Third, that which you react to is the thing you dislike within yourself. We all experience behaviors we dislike in others. When we react, we have unconsciously attached our own negative emotion about ourselves to the other person. Our reactions are telling our emotional secrets that we believe we hide from both the world and ourselves. What kind of person can you just not stand? The liar? The lazybones? The gossip? Maybe you’re not exactly like that person, but…is there some part of you that is less than honest, that is taking the easy way, that is indiscreet?

A Facebook Inspirationalist, Cheyenne Mauria, recently told her followers: “Nothing happens to me, it happens because of me. It is my personal obligation to take responsibility for my disappointments along with my successes.” This quote embodies self-responsibility, which is essential for the Universal Law of Reflection to work effectively.

Using External Replication and the Law of Reflection, the evil queen – had she been willing –   could have begun to understand that an area of focus for personal growth would be self-confidence and self-esteem. Like the queen, each of us could benefit from placing a little more value on our own self-worth!


Mirror, Mirror on the wall…I DO NOT need you after all!





Infertility to Fertility: The Metaphoric Garden

Gardens with all their vibrant blossoms and radiant flowers blooming are frequently a metaphor for the inevitable growth of an exciting new conception. Mother Nature initiates gestation with fertile ground, planting seeds and determination. Evolution begins with fertility—if, that is, you are fortunate enough to have avoided infertility.

Infertility can be defined as the inability to conceive for approximately one year. Being unable to become pregnant, in spite of many attempts, can be frustrating and emotionally agonizing. After months and often years of trying, some turn to outside sources for help.

Many available medical treatments can significantly improve the chances of pregnancy; these include hormone treatments, fertility drugs, and even surgery. Statistics show that medical treatments combined with alternative therapy can, in fact, substantially increase fertility rates.

In my practice, numerous clients have achieved conception through a combination of appropriate medical treatments and my unique therapeutic technique utilizing metaphysics and hypnosis!

How Metaphysics and Hypnosis Help to Conceive a Pregnancy:

Metaphysics draws upon the insights of traditional philosophies and the physical sciences and extends beyond them in search of the general principles or laws that govern human existence. These insights help us to understand, predict and even shape our feelings and experiences.

One such principle, The Universal Law of Polarity, suggests that everything in the universe has a complementary opposite. Good-Bad, Happy-Sad, Positive-Negative, Light-Dark, etc. In regards to infertility, the polar opposite, Create-Destroy, can be present, complicating matters. Understanding polarity helps us to see where our belief lies and is affecting outcomes. If we have created a belief of infertility—the polar opposite of what we want—we must destroy this belief, and create a belief of fertility!

As a counselor and hypnotherapist, I recognize that the subconscious mind is where the influence is exerted and change occurs, because everything in existence is energy…including your belief!

If Changing Belief is Where the Power Lies, How does this Compelling Shift Occur?

Change starts to occur while practicing The Universal Law of Intention. This law suggests that focused thought energy (belief) equals intention (goal). Thought energy must be directed at the specific outcome you want (not the one you fear) because your mind creates your reality!

In my practice, I see many frustrated clients suffering from infertility concerns. I begin by explaining that the framework of the mind can change the body. It may seem complicated but it’s really quite simple!

Change can be brought about at an alarming rate by:

·         A shift in universal energy (your intention)

·         Belief (your belief must correspond to your intention)

·         Emotions (your emotions must correspond with your belief)

The first step in creation is your intention. Your intention is your objective. For instance, your intention is to conceive a child in the year 2016. Perfect! Since focused thought energy can shape human experiences, we must shift it in the direction of your intention…CONCEPTION!

The universe is controlled by energy that you cannot see resulting in what you can see…your intention.

Next comes belief. It is through belief that we can overcome any obstacle, including infertility! Do you find yourself surrendering to doubt? If so, you MUST let go of all fear! Shift the energy towards trust. Doubts of your fertility can be prominent and powerful, so be mindful. The unpredictable nature of family planning, even in the best of circumstances (not everyone gets pregnant the first month they try), can feed a tendency toward negativity or uncertainty, creating a deeper alliance with disbelief. Recognize these doubts and then let them go. Have faith that all things are possible…even fertility! I am continuously affirming with my clients:

“Change your belief…Change your life!”

Finally, your emotions drastically intensify belief. It is imperative that you attach optimistic feelings to your intention. Interlacing your thoughts with inspiring emotions such as joy, love, hope and encouragement can intensify your energy and propel it in the direction you desire. You must believe with confidence and feel the emotions of your intended manifestation!

Imagine yourself pregnant. See the baby in your arms. Feel the warmth and love you will give that child, the bond that will last your lifetime. Know yourself as a life-giver, a nurturer, and a caretaker. Become the mother you are destined to be.

Intention + Belief + Emotion = Manifestation!

Mother Nature has now initiated gestation. Therefore, weed the ground of your metaphoric garden and uproot any disbelief. Begin pollinating your new beliefs and watch the seeds germinate in this fertile ground of endless opportunity. Allow your new thoughts to take root and create the intention. Your new insight is a flower in the garden of infinite possibility.

infertility—Polar Opposite—FERTILITY!




Money Does Grow on Trees

Spring has sprung and for many of us that means planting the seeds to help Mother Nature birth an endless supply of life-giving possibilities. We’ve all heard the saying time and time again, “Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees,” but that’s simply not true! We can use the Laws of the Universe to sow the seeds and, like magic, watch our own personal money tree grow!

As a counselor and hypnotherapist specializing in the field of metaphysics, I begin with a basic but powerful premise: that all things in existence, both things we can see (physical) and those that we cannot (universal), are based on energy, including money flow! In fact, money may be one of the best metaphors for energy there is. It moves through our society invisibly, digitally, yet powers everything around us.

What determines our Personal Flow of Money?

In my practice when working with clients who are seeking prosperity manifestation, I explain how this works. I begin, “Your money flow is actually dependent upon you.” Most of the time, the response is the same, an eyebrow raise, so I continue by asking, “What are your true emotions regarding money? Fear, worry, resentment or panic?”

I then ask, “Ever find yourself thinking these types of negative thoughts?”

·         There never seems to be enough.

·         Being generous with my giving is not an option.

·         Good luck never happens to me.

Inevitably, the answer is yes. Sometimes people have very elaborate rationales for why they will never be prosperous—and yet still don’t see that their thinking is affecting their reality. I ask them to consider why rich people tend to stay rich, and poor people tend to stay poor. Statistics even show lottery winnings are lost at an alarming rate. Why is that? It’s because your belief about money—and about yourself—creates your flow of money through the mechanisms of goodwill and opportunity. Ah, a moment of clarity. The eyebrow raise immediately turns into a jaw-dropping realization.

Emotional Energy (your vibration) generates Physical Energy (your prosperity)

Emotions can and will accelerate energy direction. Like energy attracts like energy so you want to always keep it positive. Since your money flow is dictated by your emotional energy (how you feel about money), you must never fear, worry, or panic over finances because any negativity will affect your prosperity (your physical energy). Universal energy must correspond to your vibration. It cannot contradict itself in any way. If you find yourself worrying, don’t worry about worrying! Just put the thought aside. Tell yourself that is the past you, not the current you. In time, it will become second nature.

Can we actually go from a state of financial lack to financial gain? With a redirection of energy, the answer is yes!

Energy inhabits all space. It cannot be created nor destroyed, only redirected. By applying these simple steps you can shift your energetic money flow towards abundance because Energy must follow Universal Laws!

1.      Universal Law of Abundance: This law states that we have access to an unlimited supply of financial prosperity through the infinite source of the universe. Lack is only an option. Abundance is already yours! This is something you can meditate on until you feel it. It may help to do this in a place of peace and beauty: a garden, the beach, the woods, or even an art museum.


2.      Universal Law of Giving and Receiving: This law dictates that we must give to receive. We cannot resist giving and be desperate to receive; this disrupts energy flow. If we stop the flow of giving, we stop the flow of receiving. Energy must be able to flow in and out of your life. Give of your possessions, your talents, your attention and warmth. Be open. Enjoy giving.


3.      Universal Law of Cause and Effect (or Karma): This law states for every Cause there is an Effect and for every Effect there is a Cause. Nothing happens by chance. This law determines your destiny: what you give, you will receive.


By following these steps in conjunction with belief and positivity, you will see that abundance has been yours all along! Mother Nature has demonstrated the life-giving possibilities of endless prosperity through universal wisdom using the seeds you have planted. Money Does Grow on Trees!


Mastering Resolutions

The age-old belief that each New Year brings an opportunity for self-improvement and transformation motivates the resolutions that so many of us make toward the end of the holiday season. If you have made such New Year’s Resolutions, however, then you are probably also familiar with the challenge of losing momentum as the months pass and the demands of daily life take over.

Is there anything that we can do to maintain our goals and thereby Master our Resolutions? The answer is yes!

As a counselor and hypnotherapist specializing in the field of metaphysics, I begin with a basic but powerful premise: that all things in existence are based in energy, including our goals!

Why is that? Because our resolutions for self-improvement must be manifested through thoughts, words, and actions, all of which are based in energy. You must be clear and precise when setting your objective because everything is energy! We can acquire the knowledge we need to succeed by using the Universal Laws of Intention and Action to actualize our intentions and manifest our desires.

Let us explore how you can accomplish this year’s resolutions by applying The Universal Laws. Ask yourself these questions:

·         What are my precise thoughts and objectives regarding my goal?

·         What steps have I taken towards achieving this goal?

·         How will I feel when I achieve my goal? 

The Law of Action plus The Law of Intention creates your Resolution!

Precision is key when working towards your goal (your intention). It is important that you achieve clarity about what you want. Change is brought about by focusing your conscious awareness (your thoughts) toward both attention (your action) and intention (your goal). Your attention is focused on the actions that you take in the present and your intention is set to manifest your goal in the future. Action and Intention work hand in hand to direct the energy flow towards your desired manifestation. Emotions are also a must in propelling and focusing your energy. It is imperative that you attach positive feelings to the goal you seek to accomplish.

In my practice, I often work with frustrated clients who are unable to achieve their goals, including one of the most common examples of a New Year’s Resolution--weight loss. I begin each session by introducing the Universal Laws and their potential for focusing our source energy to achieve transformation. I then ask each client about their specific methods of achieving their goal, and guide them through the process of completion.

What is the intention of your weight loss?

You need to align the exact purpose of your weight loss with the Universal Laws, so it is vitally important to clarify this in your own mind. This reason can differ from person to person, including to achieve a healthier lifestyle, live a longer and more active life or improve your body image.

Remember to be specific, for this is your intention (your goal).

What Action have you taken towards weight loss?

What physical attention (your action) have you taken for weight loss reduction? Examples might include a reduction in portion size, cutting back on sugars, or beginning a new exercise program.

When you picture yourself after achieving your weight loss goal, how do you feel?

Now, close your eyes and envision yourself after your desired weight loss. You’ve accomplished your goal! How do you feel? Ah…here it is, the emotion that you are seeking through the Law of Action and the Law of Intention.

Now the Universe must Correspond to this emotion. It’s that simple!

Be careful not to let a sense of urgency or anxiety bring about negativity or discouragement while on your journey. This causes internal conflict and can disrupt the energy flow that you are directing toward manifesting your resolution. Emotions are very important where energy is concerned so ALWAYS keep it positive!

What are you waiting for? Your goal is actually waiting for you! Allow the Universal Laws to manifest your desires. Let your new year be your new way of thinking and become the Master of your own Resolutions in 2016!

Always consult your medical doctor before starting any type of nutritional or exercise regimen.